Friday, March 16, 2012


My life has been pretty busy lately and I have deviated from my usual "routine," but I don't think that it should ever be an excuse not to eat right.  Although it's not always the easiest thing to do, in the end it feels the best and it pays off!

I have heard that staying healthy is 80% diet and 20% exercise.  I am a firm believer of this.  Unfortunately, when people simply go to the gym but don't change their eating habits, they don't see results.  Diet is key!!!

As I have said before, for the past 3 years I have been following the Zone Diet eating plan.  The premise of this is that all meals and snacks should be in proper proportion to keep blood sugar stable.  The ratios are 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat.  I have had immense success following this plan and soon after starting it, the weight just began falling off!  As with many, I had hit a plateau and couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing.  I read one of Jillian Michael's books where it had you take a short quiz to tell you which eating plans would be most successful for you.  It recommended the Zone Diet for me.  Once I had gotten the hang of it, I found it easier for me to follow than any "diets" I had tried in the past.  I had obviously found my fit!  Thanks Jillian!!! :-)

I wouldn't recommend this diet for someone who doesn't like to put much thought into their meals or planning ahead of time.  This also would not be a fit for someone who doesn't want to cook.  Fortunately I enjoy cooking and being in control of everything I eat!  

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